Friday, December 16, 2005

Not Bottling Wine

Ok, so my internet is _finally_ up and running due to a friend of mine who works at my ISP sorting everything out. I thought I was going to die there for a second.

I'm supposed to be bottling this great Matero Shiraz wine I made about 6 months ago, but I forgot I had lent a bunch of my equipment to a friend. So that took me about half an hour to figure out. I'm a quick one, really. Oh well.. tomorrow!

I had a chance to stop by Willow Park main store in Calgary (really good beer selection) and pick up a few beers. Amongst others, I grabbed some Belgian St. Bernardus Abt 12, and a few beers from a brewery in Pentiction, BC (probably spelt wrong), Cannery Brewing. I haven't tried/reviewed anything for awhile, I really have to get on that ... I have a backlog of 12 beers!

Anyway, I have to get back to not bottling wine (which means doing all the internet stuff I couldn't do for the last week or so).

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