Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Well, first off, I have a couple of beer reviews to dump. I just went to the good beer store here in town and stocked up on a bunch to try, but here are some from the last weeks or so... I'm still missing my Fuller's Vintage Ale review. Bah. Anyway:
  • Amber Ale by Alley Kat in Edmonton. One of my favorite local craft brews.
  • Smoked Porter by Alley Kat... a bit of a sour brett finish I guess (not really to my taste), but an awesome aftertaste that makes you want to drink more. Seasonal, brewed in March.
  • Innis And Gunn Oak Aged Beer from Scotland (in Edinburgh, near where Hariot-Watt is :). A damn fine beer if you ask me. I wish to make something this good.
Anyway, so I picked up my half of the brewing supplies in Edmonton yesterday. Man, sooooo much malt. I have about 25 kg of malt ranging from pale 2-row grown right here in Alberta, to various specialty malts from around the world. I figure that with conservative recipes I can make about 10-12 batches of 23 L each... with 'fun' recipes I can probably make 6-7 :).

I have a lot more to post, but I've been terribly lacking in sleep the past 4 days. Sigh. Tomorrow the plan is to crack into the 18L keg of beer I acquired for some socializing before my friend moves back to Ottawa. That doesn't bode well for me updating my blog. Bah.
I had so much more time when I lived in Fort St. John and didn't know anybody.
Of course, I was horribly lonely... but at least I had time to update my blog daily :P.


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